jeudi 15 décembre 2016

org.apache.cxf.Messages != org.apache.cxf.APIMessages

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: org.apache.cxf.Messages != org.apache.cxf.APIMessages

This exeption can occur when we use web service with cxf.
Here,we have a problem of jar between server side and client side.
for example on server we have this version cxf-core-3.0.0.jar  wich  contains org.apache.cxf.Messages

But on client we find this version cxf-bundle-20.10 wich  contains org.apache.cxf.APIMessages.

To resolve this exception we have just to change cxf-bundle-20.10 by  wich  contains org.apache.cxf.Messages.

I hope this help you :)